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The Aberdeen Mark Book (Limited Edition) – £800
David Stevenson, Emeritus Professor of the University of St. Andrews, has examined most of that material and which resulted in the publication of two seminal works: ‘The Origins of Freemasonry’ — Scotland’s Century 1590—1710′ and ‘The First Freemasons Scotland’s Early Lodges and their Members’ both first published in 1988.
Professor Stevenson was unable at that time to examine the records of one Lodge — The Lodge of Aberdeen. He has now been able to consult the early records particularly the Mark Book which is dated 1670.
These records are important not only in allowing us to better understand Freemasonry in the 17th century and its subsequent evolution but also for the information they contain regarding the kind of person that was a member of this Lodge. For example James Anderson, father of the author (also James (c. 1680 — 1739)) is revealed to be an active member of the Lodge over many years and John Skene (fl. 1680) , a Quaker, was one of the first Freemasons in North America.
For the first time the Mark Book is made available as a facsimile edition With commentary by Prof. Stevenson. Not only will this he a valuable work of reference for the student of Freemasonry but it is certain to become a collector’s item. This limited edition comes bound with the highest quality materials and made to exacting standards using traditional methods of bookbinding. Presented in a custom fit case.

Lodge of Aberdeen, 350th Anniversary Token – £20
Limited edition Masonic token, produced for the 350th anniversary of the Lodge of Aberdeen. Each token is uniquely numbered from 1 to 350. If you desire a certain number, please contact us to discuss availability.

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